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Ever wonder why Disney and Warner Bros. became so popular? It's simple. People love cartoons. And apparently, they even love them when they're selling insurance. Read our January cover story to find out why cartoons are such a powerful sales tool.

And speaking of popular, the iPhone changed the way the world lives. Find out why thinking like Steve Jobs can teach medical carriers about product integration.

Plus, check out this month's consumer driven section — you'll read about companies doing their part to navigate the often confusing health insurance world, and find out how you can double the impact of your wellness program (without adding cost).

Best regards,

Tamara Patterson
Publisher, Benefits Selling
[email protected]

Tamara Patterson

Feature Story

Who would you buy from?

January 2012 Benefits Selling Research reveals that maybe when it comes to insurance and other financial products, more human might not be more successful.
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In This Issue

Who would you buy from?


Bridge the gap


Balance client expectations


Your guide to health care


By Denis Storey


What's Next
By Bonnie Brazzell and Gil Lowerre


Competitive Advantage
By Marty Traynor


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Bridge the gap

More brokers than ever are turning to gap plans to plug the holes.
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Balance client expectations

Most of us would never retain a lawyer who promised we would be her "24th most important case this month." But the reality is that good attorneys take every case seriously.
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Your guide to health care

Even health care requires a guide—someone who can show you around, speak the language and understand the laws and customs.

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By Denis Storey

Time to scratch that seven-year itch
It's been seven years since Benefits Selling launched. And everything has changed. Now it's our turn...
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What's next
By Bonnie Brazzell and Gil Lowerre

Choosing the best enrollment method — part 1
What is the best method for enrolling voluntary products? The simple answer is the one that gets the best results for the lowest cost. If that's true, then the real answer to the question changes with the specifics of each enrollment.
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Competitive Advantage
By Marty Traynor

Voluntary still has value
There's been a lot of talk about voluntary benefits, but there's value in understanding market hurdles as well opportunities. In short, voluntary still has value.
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